If New Jersey devotional music collective, SOMA, were to ever release a cover, it would have to be something really befitting of the group. For their new Bandcamp-only single on Centripetal Force, they picked what might be the most perfect song for the band to adapt: the theme from Jodorowsky’s infamous Holy Mountain.

Composed by the legendary Don Cherry, Ron Frangipane, and Alejandro Jodorowsky, “The Tarot Will Teach You” is a meditative Indian-inspired piece that sets the mystical tone for the surreal classic. Between its hypnotic beat, sustaining drones and ritualistic atmosphere, the original recording already sounds like something you’d find on a SOMA record. The band plays the track with psychedelicized gusto and emphasize the entrancing spiritual qualities of the 51 year old score. Fans of the film will surely appreciate this rendition, as will anybody who enjoys meditating to a transportive raga. Check it out:

If you haven’t yet dug into SOMA’s beautiful new LP on CF, Burning is Learning, you can check it out here.


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