There are few albums from this year that are are infused with as much joy and good humor as Little Wings’ latest for Perpetual Doom, High on The Glade.

Little Wings, A.K.A. Kyle Field, is as sprightly as ever on this LP, playing breezy and mellow folk ditties that are as playful, surreal and jovial as the works of Michael Hurley and Joanathan Richman combined.

This amusing atmosphere is perhaps due to Field developing these songs on Dry Gulch Ranch in Malibu, the outdoor set that was famously used in Gilligan’s Island. This is perhaps most evident in the nautical shanty-like “Squire’s Locker.”

The instrumentation is all very relaxed on this record, with nylon string guitars, brushed drums and rollicking piano giving it a very spring-like vibe. This is especially fitting on the chill “Green Grass of Spring,” which might be the most ultimate spring-song every recorded.

For a very easy, sunny listen that will cheer you no matter what mood you’re in, then look no further than High on The Glade.

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