Under a new moniker, Rosali Middleman channels her unique introspective insight through the rumblings and winding paths of her unaccompanied electric guitar.

Available today through Worried Songs, Variable Happiness features six solid slabs of instrumental guitar soundscapes built on a four-track cassette machine. The analogue tape certainly highlights the crisp and metallic textures of Middleman’s layers of looped, live guitar, allowing them to build and develop into the main voice of this record.

All of the songs on this album appear as meditative impressions of the different energies that exist within the grey areas that sit between clearly distinct emotions. Clouds of distortion, vibrato slide and stark melodies illustrate all of these indefinable zones in beautifully impressionistic ways (much like the evocative artwork on the record sleeve). There are universal atmospheres in these tracks, making them relatable to just about anyone if you give them the time and patience to listen deeply, and repeatedly. The more you hear these earthen guitar pieces, the more they reveal about themselves (and yourself too, if you’re lucky).

Grab your copy from Worried Songs today (or from Forced Exposure, if you’re in the US).


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