
Today, June 5th, Bandcamp is providing artists another 24 hours of waived fees. In support of racial justice, I’ve put together a list of 60+ recommendations of artists who are people of color, labels owned by POC, and ally artists/labels that are donating their proceeds to social justice initiatives. Check it out below and remember to head back to Bandcamp on the 19th, as the site will be donating all of its proceeds that day to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund!


Abdu Ali
American Dreams Records
All label cuts of today’s sales will be donated to Assata’s Daughters in Chicago.
Angeline Morrison
100% of proceeds to race justice organisations.
Apt. E
Aural Canyon
New benefit compilation for Six Square, Austin’s Black Cultural District (the first black cultural district in Texas).
Beauty Pill
Big $ilky
Bill MacKay
30% to Chicago Bail Bonds.
Brigid Mae Power
Benefit Album for Black Lives Matter.
Centripetal Records
Benefit release for Reclaim The Block, all proceeds from ‘My Body Tis of Thee’ are still going to NARAL and reproductive freedom, and all of the label’s cut of sales will go towards Gideon’s Army.
Chris Forsyth
Releasing 4 rare recordings, the proceeds of which will be donated to Black Lives Matter Philadelphia, the People’s Paper Co-Op and the Philadelphia Bail Fund.
Colemine Records
The label and it’s shop, Plaid Room Records, are donating all merch sales to various organizations fighting inequality and injustices all week.
Community Records
100% of proceeds go to TAKE ’EM DOWN NOLA and Innocence Project New Orleans.
Curtis Harding
Dereck Higgins
Devine Carama
Dire Wolves
Some rarities will go up for sale, 100% of their proceeds will be donated to Oakland’s Anti-Police Terror Project.
Don Giovanni Records
Donating the label’s cut of today’s sales to ActBlue’s community bail funds.
Eli Winter
All proceeds of new single go towards Brave Space Alliance (bravespacealliance.org), the first Black- and trans-led LGBTQ Center on the South Side of Chicago
Feeding Tube Records
100% donating to Freedom Funds and other anti-racist causes (throughout the weekend, too!)
Garcia Peoples
Anything they make today on Bandcamp is going to bail funds and organizations that are educating on the movement and supporting protesters.
Holographic Flower
Donating all proceeds of new album to Black Visions Collective.
Howlin’ Rain
All digital sales will be donated to Peoples Breakfast Oakland to aid in efforts to provide bail & legal support to black folks in Oakland.
Jansport J
Jef Brown
Joseph Allred
Kendra Amalie
Releasing new music, all proceeds from which will go to Leaders Igniting Transformation, a Milwaukee based youth of color led independent nonprofit.
Kotic Couture
LA Salami
Light in The Attic
100% to NAACP Legal Defence Fund.
Marc Mac
Marissa Anderson
Benefit single for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which helps with legal fees incurred by people protesting the murder of George Floyd.
MC Longshot
Mdou Moctar
Donate some proceeds of Mixtape 2 to Black Lives Matter.
Meg Baird
Proceeds of “Cross Bay” are being donated to local organizations that help to offer meals, harm reduction and other support to vulnerable neighbors. Meanwhile, sales of The Baird Sisters Record, Until You Find Your Green, will be part of BaDabing Record’s overall donations to the Brooklyn Community Foundation.
Mike McHugh
Benefit release for Reclaim The Block.
Moor Mother
Nathaniel Star
Phantom Limb Records
Benefit compilation album for Black Lives Matter.
Plates of Cake
100% of all digital and physical sales will be donated to the NAACP Legal Defence Fund.
Profe Fool
Ryley Walker
Will be donating to various organizations.
Sacred Bones
Donating 100% of all digital sales split between The Loveland Foundation and a nationwide bail fund that splits donations among community bail funds.
Scary Black
Sickle Cell
Sinitus Tempo
Sudan Archives
Sunburned Hand of The Man
4 deep archival releases will be added today and 100% of proceeds will be donated to the recent victims families and various causes focused on ending racism, white supremacy and the police.
Sunrise Ocean Bender
Donating all proceeds to BLM DC (as is Deep Water Acres).
Tall Black Guy
The Suffers
Three Lobed Records
New archival Daniel Bachman release proceeds will go to Richmond, VA Mutual Aid (and all other funds will go to individual artists for them to do what they wish).
Tompkins Square
Donating to local Minneapolis charities.
VG+ Records
All profits from sales of two releases, Picks & Lighters and Susan Alcorn & Phillip Greenlief, will be donated to Emergency Release Fund.
If you purchase from any of the above artists or labels, I thank you. If possible, don’t stop there, here’s a list of over 800 black artists, producers and labels you can purchase from today (thanks to Philip Montoro for sharing this on Twitter). If you want to support Black Lives Matter, but money is tight right now, check out this article for some tips.

Thank you.


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